provides the best services in industrial solutions
and water treatment for each business sector.
AQA QUÍMICA SA has the most variety of world class services in advice and industrial water treatment services. We solve your needs in the treatment, filtration, cleaning, cooling and purification of water for your industry, commerce, services and business.
AQA QUÍMICA has the representation of the global leading HACH brand in instrumentation for water quality analysis. And we provide the best training, support and technical advice.
AQA QUÍMICA offers a variety of maintenance services, technical installation services, maintenance, training and technical advice on water treatment equipment for the sectors: industrial, food, health, mining, oil, through design, supply, installation and commissioning of water treatment equipment, having well, groundwater, seawater as a source, among other solutions.
AQA QUÍMICA has extensive experience in the development of chemical products and systems tailored to our customers. We are formulators of our chemical products with advice from national and international experts.
AQA QUÍMICA has developed services for water treatment in particular needs adapting our technology in special services for our clients in the industrial sector.
AQA QUÍMICA provides integral solutions for the Treatment of Potable Water and for the Treatment of Wastewater at the Industrial and Municipal level. We develop technical proposals according to each reality to improve the efficiency of Water Plants. We propose and develop Projects for the Sanitation Sector from Conceptual Design to detail and engineering Procurement.
AQA QUÍMICA is a distributor of the Multichem - Halliburton line, we can adapt an integrated approach to meet your needs, from well design to production, so that you can make the most of your equipment and see the highest return on your investments in the Energy sector.
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